“Internet in the days of COVID-19”

“Internet in the days of COVID-19”

On Thursday, April 9, Francesco and Paolo P., members of Berghem-in-the-Middle, will give a lecture to members of the Rotary Club Clusone on “The Internet in the days of COVID-19”.

The meeting will present some threats of working remotely (i.e. phishing) and some of the countermeasures (i.e. strong passwords, wi-fi configuration) needed by smartworkers to ensure that their activities are carried out in a secure manner for themselves and the companies they work for.

This collaboration confirms how important and required is the training on computer security issues in our territory and Berghem-in-the-Middle is happy to help companies by providing the skills of its members.

Update 2020-04-11: you can find here the slides used during the event.

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